Banana is a regular fruit which is available at home. Mostly i ate it a lot than others.Now the other persone came to my competition was my son,even thoug he is 16months old,he takes banana from the table and ate it himself. I was sursprised when we are watching T.V seriously,he went on to dining table and picked one banana started eating itself,then we saw. When i attempted to peel off the the layer,he rejected and started crying,felt that i am going to stop him from eating. when i peeled and gave banana ate it cleanly and started searching for another banana. He loves banana a lot.
Now he is in my athama's house and spending time with his grand mother.I miss him so much,whenever i see banana he will come into my mind. such cute little things he will do are unforgettable.
Coming to banana smoothie,even though banana tastes great as it is. I wanted to transform it to another form.Then banana smoothie came into my mind.It is simple and tasty too.
Now he is in my athama's house and spending time with his grand mother.I miss him so much,whenever i see banana he will come into my mind. such cute little things he will do are unforgettable.
Coming to banana smoothie,even though banana tastes great as it is. I wanted to transform it to another form.Then banana smoothie came into my mind.It is simple and tasty too.
- 2 ripe banana's
- 1tsp sugar
- 1cup curd
- 1tsp honey (optional)
- 6 ice cubes
- put all the ingrediants except honey in a blender and blend it well to smooth paste.
- top it with honey or icecubes.drink the delicious smoothie.